Hey all,
I am trying to figure out what I am going to use this season for deer. Right now I have 3 Bear Razorheads @ 120 grains and 3 Stinger Buzzcuts 4 blade serrated @ 100 grains.
Rather than carry 3 different types of arrows, and 2 different weight arrows, I would rather have 6 arrows the same.
I have been nosing around looking at broadheads in catalogs and thought the Magnus II with the bleeder blades at 125 grains looked like a good head to use. Since I have not seen them in person, can you tell me if they are sharp the entire length of the blade? The pictures I see makes it look like only about 3/4" is sharpened at the tip.
So what do you think of these broadheads?
I have also looked at the RazorCaps and thought about getting them as well. Do you have any thoughts about those heads?
Thanks for your time and help.