Sorry gents i have not been around much. Been hunting as much as i can before i have to have my back surgery. but i must say, this trad hunting gets in your blood!
Sunday, i decided to go see if i could bag a doe with my trad gear. and i must admit it was not my first choice that morning. I silently snuck into the shadows across a 20 acre hay field and settled into my makeshift ground blind. This area is a bit unique. 2 rather large hills about 60 yards apart use to be home to a huge indian camp in this area. Many arrow points, knife blades, bones, etc have been found on this property. I must say, as i stood there in the woods i honestly did not feel alone.
with my bad back, it makes it hard for me to hunt from a tree, so i am stuck on the ground-which is not that much better in my condition. Around 8 am i saw that infamous "v" of a whitetail deer. As i leaned against the tree, i saw 3 more "v's" appear. They took their time getting across the field, which to me is not a good thing, because i cannot stand that long before my back starts to bother me.
They started to swing wide of my position, and i said a lil prayer, and they miraculously turned and headed toward me. I knew they would pass by at about 10yds presenting me with that perfect broadside shot i have been practicing for all year long. whey they all had their heads down eatting, i slowly drew. Again another prayer, took steady aim and released.
The young doe i was aiming for ducked the arrow, but had no idea what just happened. they slowly back out of the area before taking off down the creek.
Was i disappointed, i wont lie i was very upset. i spent many hours knapping that flint head, working with shafts and feather to get everything perfect. Had i'd been using my "other" bow i would have had deer for supper. and with my season going to be cut short, i need to put meat in the freezer. but the spirits of the wood reassured me with the sounds of coons fighting up in a tree, and frantic squirrels scurrying to gather all the nuts they can, that my lost arrow is in good company with all the other arrowhead in that hill. I know some indian brave was waiting in the mist for "fresh meat" but he will have to wait until i recoup and try again.