I saw antler moving through the apple trees and came to half draw. He took a couple more steps and stopped right in my shooting lane. Here in western PA we have a 4 point to one side rule in our Wildlife Management Unit. I started counting points, which was hard to do since he wasn't the big boy. 4 on the one side! I sloely eased to full draw, and let her fly.... I watched as my arrow flew right over his back. =) Well, that wasn't exactly how I had planned it, but it certainly made for an awesome morning. Now that one of the youngins is educated, I am headed after one of the big boys. Don't get me wrong, I would have been so excited with this little guy, as it would have been my first buck kill with tradgear. Regardless, i saw 2 other small bucks and one turkey from the same spot. I'll get back at them thursday night or friday morning. I hear the weather is going to cool off some... so I am really excited for this weekend. I also found 2 areas that are loaded with rubs and scrapes.