I've stugled with the same> i put a few posts up this month in reference to a few of my missed shots this year with my recurve that wouldn't of happened otherwise.
It's a difficult ordeal and you feel torn,you want to be successful in shooting a deer, but you also want to "earn it" with your recurve.
You've probably practiced more this summer and the past few months with your recurve that you ever have with your compound. That's why your feeling torn, you know you can do it, but what if 'He steps out and you blow the shot".
ON my last post in reference to the 2nd big deer that i have missed this year, with my recurve, somebody posted , and I think it was Biggie.....he said " just think, you've got to shoot at two deer and you still get to hunt!"
I'm a firm believer in that the deer chooses you, you don't choose the deer! Whenit is meant to happen it will, compound or trad gear!
Only it's sooo much sweeter when you earn it the hard way!