Does anyone have a digital volt meter and a Young Feather burner? I was looking at a catalog this morning and it occurred to me this is likely a step down transformer, fuse and burner wire. The replaecment wires are under $3.00 (maybe way less). Transformers are cheap and so is everything else one might need to make a burner. If we measured the voltage from a Yound we would know what transformer to purchase so we can use the replacement ribbons.
Can anyone tell me what the voltage is and if it is AC or DC?
Another thing I thought of is this. Back when I did a bunch of soldering I use to replace the tips with a #12 copper wire bent to shape. One could just shape the wire like the feather you want to burn and use a gun type soldering iron and use it. If you have the soldering gun and some wire it's free!
I did a quick search and found these to links that might be of intrest to folks.
Build a Burner Ribbons