I left a post here 10 days ago or so about an encounter I had with a big buck that ended up directly under my stand with no shot opportunities. Since then I have sat over 30 hours in various tree stands without a single deer sighting. Tonight, I saw him again from a different stand. He was working the same trail as before. He got to the point where I had the original encounter with him and became very cautious. I was watching all of this from "the backside" I now know where I have to be in order to get a crack, as I know exactly where he is bedding. It's a race against time, because when the take the corn out, he will be gone, as he is living in a very small area where the deer vacate every year once the corn is gone. I gotta get him this week or the game is over! He is not quite as big as I originally thought, but plenty big enough. Wish me luck!!