I was tucked into a cedar tree in Arkansas this morning when 3 does came into a feeder that I had set up. Let them and myself settle down for about 3 to4 miniutes. Probably 20 yd shot with 50LB longbow. Picked a spot behind shoulder at mid lung area. Perfect straight alignment, however she ducked the string and as I always try to hold thru the shot you can imagine what I saw down that line of sight. Went right over the top about 2 to 3 inches. She ran back about15 yds behind a tree and then just came right back up but this time a few yds further back, not over 25 yds. ( I practice out to 35YDs) so I said OK lets try this differently. Aimed at the lower line on the body as explained here. Guess what she did? Stood there like a brick wall and never jumped. Went 4 inches under her just behind the elbow. Thought I had it all figured out. I think I am going to start aiming for the lower half as mentioned on this thread and see if it will work better. This has happened too many times before to just keep happening. By the way I was only up about 12ft high.