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Author Topic: December hunting  (Read 747 times)

Offline notdodger

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December hunting
« on: November 02, 2008, 06:10:00 PM »
I can always use pointers for hunting deer in December here in Michigan. I have not hunted the last season in 15 years. Is it a little easier to spot and stalk in the snow?? I would like to hunt the ground also. It just seems the deer disapper on state land after november. I have had a good year so far. I have seen lots of smaller bucks, but havent shot yet. ( on private land). I want to get out where I can roam around some. Lets here it fella's and ladies , what do ya got for me.????????

Offline Shawn Leonard

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Re: December hunting
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2008, 06:43:00 PM »
Find a good food source that the deer are hitting and you will be good to go! Shawn

Offline vermonster13

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Re: December hunting
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2008, 06:48:00 PM »
I agree with Shawn, find the food. Also find the good cover for really brittle days. Deer will tend to bed more often in heavier cover that gives them relief from wind. Sunny ridges are great places to find them bedding especially near food. They will get up and move around more often which makes late season fun.

If you are in an area with a heavy doe to buck ratio, you can also catch a late rut for when younger does and unbred older ones come into cycle again. So long as the bucks have hard horn on their heads, they can breed, so pay attention.
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Offline Bonebuster

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Re: December hunting
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2008, 07:07:00 PM »
In years past baitpiles were common throughout the state. Deer did not have to go far to find one to eat at, and after all the pressure 700,000
hunters can give, the deer restricted their movements severely. Baitpiles allowed the deer to remain in cover until after dark, and fill up in a short time This year with the baiting ban
in effect for the lower penninsula it may be different.

So far, from what I have seen the baiting ban is unenforceable on private land, and what has effectively happened is deer are even more concentrated on private land than EVER before.
We will have to see how this effects the deer movement come December.

I grew to look forward to the late season, because I am able to take more time to hunt, plus the snow completes the variety of the seasons. From summer like temps in early October to arctic temps of December.

My biggest tip would be to hunt the mornings. Because it is the coldest time of the day you will be hunting alone, everyone else is home where it`s warm. Through the years, the deer have learned this. Find a food source close to good cover, and you WILL have some good opportunities
come your way...if you can take the cold.

Also, these deer have been targeted by hunters for
two months, so if you can manage to be successful by spot and stalk, OR any type of ground blind, then you have earned the right to consider yourself an awesome hunter. Best of luck.

Offline notdodger

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Re: December hunting
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2008, 07:34:00 PM »
I have had a blast this whole season so far. I have seen deer on private land. I will be going on a large chunk of State land next week end. I figure I have a decent chance of getting into range If they are to start the chase. I will have to extend my season a little this year is all. I know the people hunting on state land probably are not baiting, so like someone said, the deer should move around a little more. Private land the deer seem to be eating bait. I have hardly seen any doe's this year unless it is early or just before dark. How long should I wait to move to another spot after rattling. I would like to try a rattle and say roll stratagy.Kind of like coyote hunting.??????????Thanks for the tips so far guys. I can never read enough. I took my first trad deer two years ago from a tree. I am getting tierd of climbing way up that thing. I am starting to really like the ground. And or lower ladder stands.

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