Was out both Saturday and Sunday- Saturday I stopped counting at 43 doe and 8 bucks- one really nice shooter but he offered no viable shot- LOTS of chasing in these woods not sure about the rest of the state, Sunday saw no does, 4 bucks all of which walked right under me one stopped and rubbed his nose on my Lone Wolf stick(could'nt believe it but I saw him do it!) then proceeded out to 20 yards made a scrape another ten yards and made another scrape, licked the branches above and did his buisiness...really cool! The crops around here have mostly come out but I was suprised to see so many does moving together, the bucks were separate but still all came in on the same path about a minute apart, they split off and chased does in front of me for about half an hour. I had shots available on many of the does and lesser bucks but the big boy stayed behind me at 12 yards and out, yeah he was big enough that the knees were shakin, I love it. He was a main frame 8 that I field guessed at or in the low 140's - a fine buck for the area I'm in. Hopefully I can see him again before the "if it's brown it's down" gang gets out there.