I am new to traditional archery and letting my compound gather dust. This weekend was my second traditional hunt and the first time I have shot at live game.
3:25 pm up in the stand every things set and it is a perfect afternoon. Didn’t even break a sweat. Temperature is mid 70’s and dropping, Wind is consistent out of the NE. Time to sit back relax and watch and listen.
4:25 nothing but a few birds and couple trig saps , its early
5:25 see 4:25 plus one pig grunt out in the brush somewhere
6:10 must have been wool gathering cause I have a real nice rack coming in. Can not see the body but the rack is telling me “this is a good Florida deer.
I see the rack is moving but have not looked at the body. In one fluid motion I start the camera and stand up. He stops, my heart skips a beat and gives me the first real look at him. Confirmed he is a good deer. Slowly he walks into the camera lens and to the corn I have scattered. He begins to nibble a bit. Time to get the bow. I reach for the bow and it is stuck. The bow will not come off the hook. Another tug. What the heck…I cannot get the bow off the hook. Third time is a charm. Somehow the bow tip was sitting over the airline cable that holds the platform and my lifting motion provided enough friction to prevent an easy retrieval.
6:10:30-6:13:45pm Deer below, hunter above both wired. I am watching waiting , focusing ,waiting, focusing. I cannot remember drawing the bow. What I remember is my finger touching the corner of my mouth and the gentle plunk of my bow and the deer exploding out of view. Adrenalin rush is on. I have not experienced this type of rush in all my hunting experiences with a compound.
There he is 10 yards to the left.. All I see is rack the body is hiding behind brush and he is looking back standing still. I grab another arrow. Did I hit him? Where is my arrow quick glace cant see my arrow.. I watch … the rack turns and begins to move. I watch I listen nothing. The deer disappears like a ghost.
I am so adrenalin pumped. Look for the arrow can’t seem to see the arrow from the stand. Wait there it is. Stuck in the ground as if a perfect double lung pass through. I sit down in the stand trying to pull it all together. Still on full alert I turn the camera off and decide to watch the tape. Deer moves into the lens a bit nervous, eats head up eats head up eats and explodes from view.
Time to face the truth and go take a look at the arrow. Not a trace of blood.
Here is a clip of the shot in real time slow motion and double slow. I do believe he jumped the string.