Hey guys,
The Algoma Archers is a rather informal group. I should say , a VERY informal group of friends, mainly in the North Grand Rapids area (Sparta, Rockford,Sand Lake, etc) that get together once or twice a year to hang out. Our common and major bond is with and through Michigan Traditional Bowhunters. In other words, we are MTB guys that are local to each other.
There is no actual club house, range, meetings or otherwise (unless you consider a local diner who's waitresses can put up with a lot of goofy guys and gals a club house:)).
So, if you look up Michigan Traditional Bowhunters, you'll find the club you're seeking. Tons of upcoming events too, including a rabbit hunt 1-20-07. Check out the web page and PLEASE shoot me a PM/email with any questions. Enjoy the winter!