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Author Topic: bowhunter with migraines needs help!  (Read 948 times)

Offline Ray Hammond

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bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« on: November 10, 2008, 06:41:00 PM »
My best friend has migraines so bad he cannot practice his shooting, drive his car, or even go outside much.

I was on a thread the other night here where two guys were discussing this fact and said they were getting an injection of something that really helped them get rid of the problem.

The thread has apparently disappeared..I searched for it and its just not there.

Can anyone advise me what those migraine injection medicines were?
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Offline vermonster13

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2008, 06:58:00 PM »
Was it Imitrex or perhaps Botox Ray?
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Offline David Bartholomew

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2008, 07:10:00 PM »
Email sent your way.
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Offline Frank1107

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2008, 07:11:00 PM »
I have been a migraine sufferer for many, many years. They are so bad that they last a week at a time. I have been to neurologists, neurosurgeons, migraine clinics, chiropractors, etc. I have taken Imitrex, Zomeg, Maxalt, Amerge, Trixamet, Esgic, and others I cannot remember. I have recently started receiving Botox injections and the results are amazing. Although, you actually still get the migraine, there is virtually no pain (the skeletal muscles don't react)Botox is amazing (if your insurance will cover it) otherwise it is about $500 per shot every 3 months.


Offline Ray Hammond

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2008, 07:48:00 PM »
Thank you fellas. I will let you know his outcome!
“Courageous, untroubled, mocking and violent-that is what Wisdom wants us to be. Wisdom is a woman, and loves only a warrior.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline kojac

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2008, 10:39:00 PM »
Ray, my wife has had this problem and when she cut out all diet drinks and/or aspertane like sugar substitutes in anything (that includes coffee/pies...ect) the problem went away.

good luck

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Offline Dale Hajas

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2008, 10:52:00 PM »
Ray tell him to google MAGNUM and migraine. Its a great site. I have learned to control them completely. I can tell what I can eat, how much and how soon I will get a migraine, then prepare for it.  Thus not having to endure any pain.

I can have 4 hershey kisses- 5 gives me a migraine. I can eat M&M's as long as I pick out the red ones. No red popsicles. No cheap ice cream(ice milk) NOTHING with preservatives.

When I get the star spots in my eyes, I know within 3 days I will be getting a headache-whatever the cause. I take ADVIL or Motrin, nothing else works for me.

The problem with migraines is that every person is different. I drink 2 cups of coffee a day in the AM. 3 gives me a headache. Some folks can handle more some less.

The idea is that you MUST experiment to find out the triggers. I'm 50 and have had them since I was in 2nd grade. I've had them for 2 weeks at a time to 4 months LONG several years ago- thats when I took things under my control.
Have your friend pm me or email me.

[email protected]. I know how devastating they can be. They almost cost me my marriage and my family.
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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2008, 01:01:00 PM »
I was having trouble with them until a few years ago. It appears that my blood presure would spike upward. It didn't stay high all the time, it so happened that the doctor caught it at the right time. He put me on a low dose of blood presure meds. I haven't had one since.
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Offline PrarrieDog

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2008, 01:35:00 PM »
I think vitamin B shots were the hot set up. but I don't remember.

Offline joe ashton

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2008, 01:46:00 PM »
 I feel your friends pain, as a kid I had screeming miserable migraines.  Nothing helped at all.  My parents took me to a Chiropractor and with in a few months the pain stopped.  It helped me so much that when I grow up I went to Chiropractic Collage and have been in active practice for 33 years.  We see buckets of people with migraines and help most.

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Offline Sacred mt

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2008, 03:45:00 PM »
Migraines...I use nasel spray(vicks) at the first hint.  Any change in weather and going out into bright sunlight will usually trigger migraine.  Taking some deep breaths through the nose, getting lots of oxygen(air) will help. Hope this help.

Offline Capt

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2008, 04:38:00 PM »
I have migraines and cluster headaches.  This time of the year is the worst for my condition.  The one drug that I take to abort the migraine/cluster is a shot of Imitrex. The only side effect I have with Imitrex is a "rush" of blood.  If you have a heart condition it can be very dangerous to take as it is like a huge blast of adreneline. Another thing my Dr perscribed is medical oxygen which I keep by my bed if I get to the headache before it starts it will (sometimes) abort the cluster; but not always.

Offline Capt

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2008, 04:39:00 PM »
I have migraines and cluster headaches.  This time of the year is the worst for my condition.  The one drug that I take to abort the migraine/cluster is a shot of Imitrex. The only side effect I have with Imitrex is a "rush" of blood.  If you have a heart condition it can be very dangerous to take as it is like a huge blast of adreneline. Another thing my Dr perscribed is medical oxygen which I keep by my bed if I get to the headache before it starts it will (sometimes) abort the cluster; but not always.

Offline Glenn Carl

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2008, 06:27:00 PM »
Ray I am with Joe Ashton , I use to get 1 about every week to the extent they made me throw up. I finally went to a Chiropractor. and have not had even a head ache in 2 years.I went 40 years thinking people that went to chiropractors were wasting there money, but now I go once a month.

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Offline Bear Heart

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2008, 06:46:00 PM »
I have been taking topiramate at night and maxalt if something comes on.  My shooting buddies don't realize how hard it is to concentrate when migraines are making your eyes miserable.  Have had pretty good relief.  Would like to get to the chiropractor but the army makes it a pain in the but.  I am interested in any drug free solutions.
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Offline Stew

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2008, 09:08:00 PM »
I've suffered with migraines for 7 years now.  The migraines are down right abusive. After all the meds I've been through the best one I found is called Relpax. Prescription needed but, they are truely my best friends.

Offline Zog

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2008, 01:03:00 AM »
Even though this isn't about bowhunting I hope it doesn't get deleted.

My father and my daughter both suffer from migraines, but they are different.  

My father completely eradicated his migraines by cutting fake sugar of any kind and/or replacing his mercury tooth fillings with ceramic ones.  He doesn't know which one did the trick because he did them at the same time.

My daughter never had mercury fillings but cutting out fake sugar has not cured her migraines.  She does seem to have patterned her events with lack of sleep, though.

I'm not an organic hippie but I do agree there is a lot we need to learn about man made food additives.
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Offline sam barrett

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Re: bowhunter with migraines needs help!
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2008, 11:46:00 AM »
As a chiropractor I can tell you that I have had great success in treating migraines.  I currently am treating a patient who has not gone 30 days in the last year without a headache.  She has been to neurologists, and headache specialty centers and also has taken many meds with no success.  After a few chiropractic treatments she has had far fewer headaches and they are less intense.  I would highly recommend your friend at least give it a shot.  I wish him the best.  God bless, Sam

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