I made Buckie II after reading PeteW's post about the little buck and the Xtreeme BH. I've admired his decoy Buckie for some time and finally made one. He's cut from 1/8" Luan ply, patterned and painted from Pete's photo.
Took him back in the woods about 3:00 this afternoon, still smelling of paint. Did some rattling and grunting, but the wind was high and the woods noisy. About 4:00 I hung up my bow, dug out a neck gaiter and was in the midst of pulling same over my head when a doe came running under me and stopped about 15 yards from Buckie II. A moment later I heard grunting and a 4 year old 8 followed. He caught me as I tried to get ready and never offered a shot. The doe stayed and watched the decoy for about five minutes and the buck hung out down wind waiting for her.
I think the doe saw the decoy from some distance and was hoping a buck fight would allow her a chance to rest. Not sure, but that is what it felt like. So, one for one for Buckie II in the woods. I will be trying him again soon. Thanks for the idea Pete.