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need advise on beating a mental block
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Topic: need advise on beating a mental block (Read 733 times)
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 577
need advise on beating a mental block
November 23, 2008, 08:15:00 AM »
I was wondering what you all do at the moment of truth. I have taken 4 shots this year with all being misses. I can consistently shoot tight groups at twenty yards when I practice but with the real animal standing there, I loose my mind and rush the shot. I even think to myself when I first see the deer to "Pick a Spot". But, when the moment comes, I rush things. Fortunately, I have not wounded anything yet. All of these misses were clean.
Charlie Lamb
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 8253
Re: need advise on beating a mental block
Reply #1 on:
November 23, 2008, 08:32:00 AM »
Since you don't seem to have a problem getting deer in front of you to shoot at, try this.
The next deer that presents a shot, don't shoot at it. Really!!
Come to full draw and hold, then let it down. Do that as many times as you can get by with.
One of the factors that comes into play when shooting at game is the fear of getting caught.
It can cause us to rush the shot and miss.
By conditioning yourself to know when to move and what you can or can't get by with, you'll develope confidence.
Hunt Sharp
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 353
Re: need advise on beating a mental block
Reply #2 on:
November 23, 2008, 08:33:00 AM »
Pick the spot then think "good form".
Isaiah 53:5 and with his stripes we are healed.
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 645
Re: need advise on beating a mental block
Reply #3 on:
November 23, 2008, 09:07:00 AM »
Rather than 'pick a spot'.....maybe you need to project your own spot on your target.
I've had great luck implementing some of the practices in the J Kidwell book.... you can find a thread all about some of these issues in the shooters forum here....and other threads;f=6;t=001918;p=1
In the immortal words of Jean Paul Sartre, 'Au revoir, gopher'.
NY Yankee
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Re: need advise on beating a mental block
Reply #4 on:
November 23, 2008, 09:17:00 AM »
What position are you in when you shoot at deer? Many of us practice standing on our open back lawn and can shoot tight groups all day long. Then we climb into a tree stand or a ground blind and try to shoot a deer and everything goes to heck. We are shooting out of our natural position. You must practice as you hunt. Just my 2 cents.
"Elk don't know how many feet a horse has!"
Bear Claw Chris Lapp
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 577
Re: need advise on beating a mental block
Reply #5 on:
November 23, 2008, 09:50:00 AM »
I practice many different positions. Standing, kneeling, sitting, treestands, and uphill. Your right about standing flat-footed in front of a target. That's why I practice so many postions. This is why I have isolated my problem to a mental block. Thank-you all for responding. I appreciate the help.
ron w
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Re: need advise on beating a mental block
Reply #6 on:
November 23, 2008, 12:38:00 PM »
I would take mister Lamb's advice,not only once but twice. Then the next time, it may become almost natural.
In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's there are few...So the most difficult thing is always to keep your beginner's mind...This is also the real secret of the arts: always be a beginner. Shunryu Suzuki
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 471
Re: need advise on beating a mental block
Reply #7 on:
November 23, 2008, 12:59:00 PM »
I had a similar problem a couple weeks ago. I missed 4 shots in just 3-4 days. Finally figured out I was not picking a spot and I was not coming to anchor. The next morning when I had deer coming in I repeated to myself "pick a spot, Anchor". I did this for at least 5 minutes. When they finally came into range I heart shot the first and double lunged the second within 30 seconds of each other.
Good Luck
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 8789
Re: need advise on beating a mental block
Reply #8 on:
November 23, 2008, 02:20:00 PM »
Quit shooting groups. Shoot an arrow at a time and go get it. A week before hunting shoot one arrow every two hours, or one to two per day. And I like Charlie's advice too...............
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 1810
Re: need advise on beating a mental block
Reply #9 on:
November 23, 2008, 03:27:00 PM »
They have done some research on this "performance anxiety" beast and the best thing to do is to practice under pressure-in front of your friends you hate to lose to, make bets etc. Pressure is the game! The LAST thing you want to be doing is to be thinking about the shot i.e. "must keep my elbow up, I must have a smooth release, etc." Your body knows what to do, your job is to stay out of it's way! Visualize, have a "mantra" if you will that says: "I will center this shot!", not "should I wait?!" etc. The first time I shot trap they told me: "Don't worry about hitting anything, just get used to the gun." I shot 23 out of 25. Then they started TEACHING me. My scores dropped dramatically! :D You end up paying too much attention to the mechanics of the movement. The fastest, "trappers choice" shots in sporting clays I do the best in because there is no time to THINK!
Believe it or not research has supported "use the FORCE Luke" over thinking about the shot! You must still practice your form however so that it becomes second nature at the: "moment of truth!"
I hope this was helpful!
Compliance Officer MK,LLC
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Re: need advise on beating a mental block
Reply #10 on:
November 23, 2008, 07:09:00 PM »
What Charlie Lamb and Curveman said are right on the money. One thing for sure is not to start thinking about the shot. If you've practiced you already know how to make the shot.
I hunt from the ground from natural blinds and I have my shooting holes (two-three) at the most. I know if the deer walks into one of them it's vitals will be right in the hole. That's all I concentrate on, nothing else. When that patch of brown comes into the whole, all I have to do is put an arrow through it I visualize a spot in the center of it and let it fly. It's worked for me very well.
Finally, don't let your misses and your "buck fever" get to you. We've all been there at one time or another. (nut)
Rich Potter
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 2463
Re: need advise on beating a mental block
Reply #11 on:
November 23, 2008, 07:20:00 PM »
Jay Kidwell's book. . . "button" technique.
If we're not supposed to eat animals ... how come they're made out of meat? ~anon
Bears can attack people- although fewer people have been killed by bears than in all WWI and WWII combined.
Daddy Bear
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 387
Re: need advise on beating a mental block
Reply #12 on:
November 23, 2008, 08:05:00 PM »
Read this post:;f=6;t=004161;p=2#000016
What Charlie Lamb recommended above in technical terms is called a "Stress Inoculator".
You sound as though you have the basics down in archery marksmanship, and it sounds as though you have the basics down in finding shot presentations on deer. But, it also sounds as though you come unhinged when executing the shot on a live deer. If so, this is caused by lack of "stress inoculation" on live deer. Secondly, if you suffer "buck fever", your heart rate is probably over 175bpm which in technical terms is code black. At this point you have lost all those fine motor skills you've developed when shooting targets. Without "stress inoculation" and learning to bring your heart rate down under 175bpm, it would be near impossible for you to focus on a spot, regardless technique. Learn Autogenic (Tactical) Breathing and keep your heart rate below 145bpm. Keep your practice as realistic as possible. Follow Charlie Lamb's advice.
I use this when the animal I seek is shooting back at me for keeps. It works on everything from exams to sports to deadly force. You will probably always get excited prior to a shot, but eventually you will learn to keep your stress level down and to keep your heart rate below 145bpm where you can perform at maximum ability.
Good Luck!
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