I bought a Bear Kodiak Magnum a couple of weeks ago and was having a bit of a problem with it.
Well I finally figured out that the string was too short, had a brace height of about 9 1/2", untwisted. once I got that taken care of, and put some silencers on it i took it out for a short spin with the arrows I have set up for my longbow, 29', 360 grains up front.
Anyway, the only thing I can say is , WOW! I really love this bow. Quiet, no handshock, shoots really well.
Bought the bow from the auction sight, just to see what all the talk was about. It's 45@28, and using the dating guide by the serial # I think it was made in '71-'72, not sure though. Serial # is KU25695.
I wanted to put some pics up of it, but the battery in my camera is dead so I have to charge it a bit before I can.
Did I mention that I love this bow?