Went out the evening before thanksgiving for a little walk through the woods, stumping and looking for anything promising in the way of deer sign. Stumbled upon this guy
The girl went along with me in search of a christmas tree, and whaddya know, we found one
went back to the site of the rub on saturday morning, creeping my way around as best i could on the crunchy leaves. Really took my time getting to the spot, stopping and looking and taking everything in trying not to run anything off that may be around....about 25 yards from the rub site, i was just about to peer over the small ridge that seperated my current position and that of the general area of the rub and trail, and as i stepped a rabbit exploded out of the brush at my feet crashing across dry leaves nearly bringing my hunt to a close for need of new under garmets. While letting my heart rate get back to normal, i decided somewhere in the back of my mind to take a blind two steps neither quiet, or aware of my surroundings, apparently the little bunny had distracted me somewhat.....As i topped the rise in a non to sneaky fashion, i looked up to see a buck take one leap out of the opening that was now 20 yrds away and into the thick nasty woods...neat...
he wasnt the big boy, but it was a buck nonetheless....next time hopefully
after the mis-step with the deer i decided to do a little bit more walking and slow hunting to see if an opportunity presented itselelf. after about and hour, i found myself in a squirrel haven. I stood and counted 20 at one time in the trees within 30 yards of where i was standing. Unfortunately, i only have 2 arrows judos in my hunting quiver (need to fix that) and as they were in the trees, i wasnt real excited about the chance of losing both arrows in two shots. So i waited, and waited, and waited....until one finally gave me a shot at 25 yards. His head was down, looking away from me, oblivious to my presence, and yet as i loosed the arrow, knowing that it was a prefect shot, i watched my arrow hit its mark in the leaves, where he had been not a half second before....absolutely amazing.
I hiked down the hill, still a little dumbfounded at what had just happened and knocked another arrow. As i reached the first arrow and went to place it in my quiver, suddenly there was a squirrel, not 8 feet from me. Im not sure if it was the same one, or one of his buddies, but whoever it was made a grave mistake. Instead of heading up a tree as fast as he could, he found the closest tree, about 10 yards away, and only climbed abot a foot off the groud. There was a tree large enough to half way conceal me between he and i, and as he came around to begin barking, i slid from behind my hiding spot while drawing and sent the fatal arrow on its way....
Overall, a great day in the woods and 1 for 2 on squirrels is alright in my book...went home and the squirrel was soon accomplanying the already smoking porkloins on the cooker. Hopefully i can get back out and take a stab at the buck later on this week.