I am 16 and have been helped with getting started in trad archery by many folks for the past two years, now it is time for me to start someone in trad archery, my cousin who is 9, came over last summer, the minute he saw me shooting my longbow he wanted to have one, i let him shoot one of my old bows from when I was a kid. My first thought was that he was going to shoot for ten minutes, get bored and want to go and do something else, man was I wrong!!!!!, the entire week he was here, all he wanted to do was go outside and shoot my bow, my cousin lives in D.C., where he barely even has a backyard to go out in, he called me on christmas day to tell me that he recieved a #40 bear grizzly made years ago, but good as new, at first his parents were not pleased with me talking to him about achery and bowhunting, because they are totally agaist hunting, he still calls me almost every week to let me know about his shots, what arrows he should use and just the outdoors in general, I am glad to see someone started in one of the greatest sports in the world.