The particular situation almost always dictates the distance. In every situation there is the best spot for the blind, given wind, cover, terrain, sun, shadow, etc. etc. and thats the spot for your blind. It may turn out to be 5yds. or 25yds-- it just is what it is. I still hunt, and ground blind exclusively, and for my money the best blind, is the least blind made from natural material on site-- Often I do no more than bend a sapling to block deers view, often nothing at all-as the cover lines up just right for a shot at a deer quatering away. Being absolutely still, no movement, ZERO. NOTTA,INERTNESS is the key to getting shots at deer from the ground. Respect them and their super acuity and sensitivity to movement and they will Volunteer. Disrespect Them and countless numbers of deer will pass you by, and you'll never even know they were in the area. I think most hunters would be amazed at the number of deer they never saw, because of some slight movement they made,- They thouht it was too slight to matter. Afterall they have made similar movements over the years and nothing happened, no deer spooked etc. Wrong, countless numbers of unseen deer have detected these movements and left the area w/out the hunter have the slightess notion of their presence. Sit STILL, man, they will walk right to you. You don't have to build an elaborate blind and wait weeks for them to acclimate.-- Just be still, Weary,Weary, still.