Well as someone once described it to me a European mount should look at home in a castle.
Actually this style started in the Black forest area in Germany. The idea is that the skull is cut and mounted on a carved board-it's tradition. Black forest carving has a definate style to it, think of cucko clocks and the like. It's also more at home with smaller antlers like roe buck etc. where the skull is as important as the horns and is enhanced with the carving.
Now we call them European mounts. The modern world has kind of bastardized the term and every skull mount is called a European mount. So everywhere on the 'net it's referred to a Euromount, just because everyone is calling it that doesn't mean it's so.
In my mind it's like calling a California bubbly white wine Champagne it may be similar but it's not the same.
Go ahead and call it what you want to, I still think yours is artistic.
the chef