If anyone is getting discouraged please don't.
Archery is one of few sports that you might get better as you get older instead of worse. Given enough time you can learn to shoot well, but don't forget why you started traditional. It's hard, it requires skill, concentration, patience, perseverance, and above all practice. There are no quick fixes. The price of your bow or who built it will not save you.
But luckily the road to accuracy is easy to follow. It looks like a 20 yd four wheeler path to nowhere. You can find it in your back yard. If you get lost look for discarded targets.
This post was obviously a joke, I just wanted to make the point that when you read peoples groups don't underestimate the years of intense hours of practice that allows you to say such things truthfully. I'm very happy to announce I'm accurate up to 15 yds. That may not sound like a great accomplishment but this stuff doesn't come easy.