Sure Trad Only. It was just getting late last night. I'll show you guys mine. I like it alot. It's large, incredibly light weight, portable, can be built to any size. It's four sided, so you can walk in a circle and shoot it from all angles. All pieces can be replaced as worn in $5 increments, and the entire thing is only $15. You could even make it roughly into an animal shape if you wanted. Certainly the body of a deer or pig.
It's truly so simple it's stupid. At Walmart buy the correct size polyester pillows. $3-$5. Use two bed pillows for field points. Comes to $10. Then go to hardware and buy a $5 tarp. Put the pillows together and wrap tightly into desired shape. Tie off and place inside a burlap/cardboard/contractor bag. And your done. I prefer contractor bags because I can twist it down tight and tie it off.
It's a great idea because the premise is rather than stop the arrow by friction on all sides, it stops it by cushioning the force itself. The pillows mainly absorb the shock and prevent it from going in more than about 2-3 in at twenty yards with a 45lb bow. For broadheads I think I'd use an extra pillow and/or a larger tarp to wrap it. Like I said I've never tried BH's though so it may not work well for them. Probably not when I think of it more, it may cut the materials too much. But it definitely works for FP's. To remove arrow just twist and pull in the direction that will tighten your tip.
I used to buy the regular "black hole" or whatever at $45 but I was going through them way too fast. Literally. Going through the target in about 2mos and seeing light through it within about 4.
These last much longer and I can make 3 for the same price.
I unrolled it so you can see how simple. Just tightly rolled tarp and pillows with a covering.