1) set one end of the shaft on a table the other end in your palm and hold at about a 30 degree angle and roll the shaft with your other hand in the middle of the shaft while pushing down flexing the shaft, you will notice the seam as you roll over it, that is the stiff side, place nock on so seam is pointing away from the bow when arrow is on the string, that would be perpendicular to the string.
2)cut from the front only, I use hot melt for the first two arrows(bare and fletched) to get it tuned. Once I have the correct length I cut and epoxy in the inserts then check spine by shooting them before fletching, by twisting the nock you can influence the spine in case you did not line up the seam correctly, now these will all be matched. I save the hot melt ones for checking tune periodically.
3)Glue with a long cure epoxy, I use golf club makers epoxy, after roughing inside of shaft with a 30 cal. wire cleaning brush and cleaning with 90% isopropyl alcohol.
4)clean shaft with the alcohol and the fletch tape sticks fine, no need to rough it up.
Once you have them tuned you will understand how wonderfully they shoot. When using the hot melt do not get the insert red hot, just hot enough to melt the glue, slide in the insert wipe off excess and quench in cold water so you will have minimal damage to the resin in the shaft. Same care on heating a large point(200-250) to remove the insert, I use a propane torch and heat a little try to pull straight out after a slight clockwise rotation with vice grip heat a little more if needed pull it out and quench shaft in cold water.