Some of you may remember a post I put up back in September about an arrow stand that me and a buddy built to store my arrows. My friend Tim and I just finished up the second part of the build, a hanger for my bow! I considered just editing that old post, but I realize a lot of you are on dial-up and that would be a lot of pictures to load. If you would like to see closer pics of the arrow stand you can find the old post here...
Arrow Stand It's been several months since we built the arrow stand, and we FINALLY got our hands on some more walnut lumber to finish what we started back in the summer. I didn't have a lot of room on my walls to put a big fancy bow and arrow rack that hung the bow horizontal. I was working with a small area on my wall and wanted to hang the bow vertical, so Tim and I started with some idea's. We covered several designs, but settled on an irregular shape, with the edge cut at an angle. I was going for a look that resembled a cross cut section of a log. (albeit a very irregular log ) We got out a piece of poster board and held it up where I wanted it to hang, and knocked out a rough shape. Then we went to work.
I ran one of the biggest boards over to a buddy who had a planer and we smoothed it out, then it was time to cut the board down, and join it together. Now the hard stuff began. We wanted an irregular shape for the edge, but we also wanted the irregular shape cut at an angle. This is where it's nice to have a buddy who has a band saw and knows how to use it! It took a long time, and the band saw blade jumped the track 3 times!!! But Tim managed to cut the shape
Ok, enough explanation and rants. I think I have covered the important things, so on with the pictures.
This was a rather long post, but I was a bit excited. A lot of work, and more importantly friendship and FUN went into making both of these things, and I have something kinda cool to show folks that come to visit.