Dave, The hardest part of that was fighting with photobucket. I'm gonna try the link that Slowbow posted but, that looks almost too easy.
Monterey, The tanto tip has two advantages: like a chisel tip it prevents the tip from curling over, and goes one better by reducing the chance that the head will skip across bone on any angle shot, which the chisel tip is prone to do.
Incedentally, Ed says that there is little or no difference in performance when the tanto is sharpened single bevel as discussed above, or if it's double beveled like a knife blade. The configuration that should be avoided is single beveling from the same side as the primary bevel. He said that configuration is the most likely of all to skip off/across bone on angle shots.
I'll see about doing a drawing of a double beveled tanto tip but, got to get to work right now, I'll see about posting it this evening.