Adam and Otto,,You guys are cracking me up..LOL..I've shot carbons without the big up front weight and they flew great. I shoot a 60# fire fly and a 51# pitsley predator. I can shoot a radial X weave pro 300's out of the 60# bow with 225 grains up front,,shoots great,,put them in my predator and they fly terrable. The preadator really likes a 3555 gold tip "full length" with 175 up front, 50 gr brass insert. See I'm in the same boat as you, I have 125 grain stingers for my Bh's and I like them alot and I worked arrow setups around my braudheads. I can also shoot these gold tips out of my 60# bow and they fly really quick. As for arrow weight I'm safe with the game I hunt, whitetail and turkey, and other small game. I beleive that an arrow that is way to weak is worst off than an arrow to stiff. I guess what I'm saying is that an arrow that can not recover from parodox efficiently is worst off than an arrow that corrects from it prematurly. Plus center cut should give you some leeway to play with. Adam and Otto are right as is everyone else with their knowledge of arrow spine and deflection,,Lots of great info in this thread, try to take it in and pick it apart and have fun with it don't get to wrapped up in it. As far as having things on hand you can go to the classifieds and get some 50 and 100 grains brass inserts, weight tubes, if you can't find them there find them in the sponsors area and just have it ready for when your new bow arrives. By the way those dorrado's are really nice bows, what model did you get camo or black and maple?