Yes, I have shot it and it is a nice bow. Personally, it is still not the bow for me. I generally like the feel of and shoot recurves better than longbows.
My point is this, if you have a certain budget for a bow, make sure you get the bow that is right for you. In the end, no matter how good the reputation of the bow or bowyer, the bow has to be best fit for you personally. To find out what you like best, shoot as many bows as you can.
This will allow you to decide between things like; take-down vs. one piece, recurve vs longbow, hybrid, cassic d style, medium grip, low grip, high grip, forward handle, shorter bow, longer bow and not of the least poundage of the bow.
Lots to consider before buying a bow.......
Shoot the Z64 and some other bows first. Then, If you still like the z64 best, buy it and start having some fun!
Just my opinion,