I was recently researching the old Shakespeare bows, and the Necedah that I own. It's a 1967, and per manufacturer specs it's made of Benge, also called Mutenye. I always thought they were made of Shedua, but the color seemed darker...like Tigerwood. A little more research results in the following:
Other Names
M’penze, Benzi, Mbenge, Tropical oliver, Olive walnut
Scientific Names
Guibourtia arnoldiana
West and Central Africa
Wood Appearance
The heartwood is yellowish brown to brown presenting a dark striping or reddish glints. The sapwood is clearly demarcated. The grain is straight or interlocked and the texture is fine. Density at 12 % moisture content: 0.79 g/cm3.
Working Properties
The blunting effect is fairly high and slicing is reported to be good. Requires power. Some difficulties in planning due to interlocked grain. Nailing is good but pre-boring is necessary. Gluing is correct for interior only. It dries slowly and must be dried carefully.
Mutenye is moderately durable to fungi and is durable to dry wood borers; sapwood demarcated (risk limited to sapwood).
Uses Mutenye can be used for several applications: • interior: e.g. panelling, flooring, sliced veneer, stairs, seats, wood-ware, high class furniture, joinery • exterior: e.g. heavy carpentry, wood frame house Substitute for Walnut (Juglans regia) for sliced veneers.
Here's a close-up of my riser: