Actually all of our bows (single string) DO shoot and draw the same cycle wise. The force draw curves may be a bit different, but if you plot them all on charts, they will look the same as far as draw cycling. The c-bows are TOTALLY different animals though. Just because something goes against our preconceived ideas or accepted science, doesn't mean it is wrong and should be ignored and lumped into (NONTRADITIONAL). Just because the King says he has new invisible clothes doesn't make him any less naked.
If you don't want to be technical and scientific, you really ought to quit making those Horribly NONTRADITIONAL HIGH TECH bows you build. Everybody knows that you are using that horribly scientific (GLASS/EPOXY/and "gasp" SYNTHETIC FIBER).
I build 12 strand 8125 strings commercially, but have done SOME testing of lesser strand strings. I have only seen one string BLOW up, and it was a 4 strand 8125 that I BLEW UP on my stretching jig at just over 250#. I personally like 8-12 strands with .030 Halo, but that doesn't mean those are the only RIGHT combos. I even shoot a 12 strand 8125 string on my Osage Self Bow with NO TIP OVERLAYS! LOL!!
I would love to see the info that goes with that chart as well. If you could email it to me that would be AWESOME!!!! I knew from simple Physics that was the truth of tension applied, but have never seen real world test results to prove it.