Not meaning to open a can of worms here.....
This is one of the reasons I will not shoot a mature doe. Having seen many winter "condition" killed deer over the years the vast majority have been fawns. Basicly a fawn has a 50-50 chance of making it through it's first winter,mainly because they have only learned to "exist" and not "survive".
If a fawn makes it through it's first winter accompanying it's mother,then it stands a better chance of surviving it's second winter. If a doe fawn "exists" through it's first winter,(or worse yet gets breed during it's first fall)it will not have the survival "instinct" to pass on to her fawns as she leads them through their first winter. A 3-5 year old doe is as smart as they come,and will lead her fawns accordingly. Hopefully breeding the true "survival instinct" into the herd.
Just one "Old Fart's" opinion.....