I had a made a reed quiver for a friends daughter a while back, and he never got around to picking it up, she had since outgrown it, so I figured having a pink quiver sitting in the man cave just wasn't right without a daughter to use it. So I contacted GURU and offered it up to his daughter. He decided to take it to the bunny hunt and put it to good use for the kids at St Judes. I was just wondering who picked it up and if you have any pictures of it in use. I know it needed a back strap and wasnt the best quiver in the world, but I would just like to see it used at least once before I forget all about it. So if you ended up with it, Id like to know just for the sake of knowing and seeing it used. It was a pink dyed reed quiver, that should pretty much set it apart from any others there I would imagine. I contacte GURU and he offered to find out for me, but I dont want to make him do it. So I figured someone around here would come forward and claim it.