I have a longbow that I really love, and I am planning on adding some snake skins to the limbs. I have done this before, and i was not happy with the results. The advice I got on how to do it included putting a few coats of superglue on the skins after they are on the bow. I did this, and finished with Tru Oil, but as soon as i started shooting it, the limbs got a cloudly look to them. I can only attribute this to the super glue not being flexible enough. I didnt really understand the superglue being necessary to begin with, since the skins were getting a finish put over them.
I dont want that to happen again. The bowyer that made the bow is a friend of mine, and he is going to reapply the finish just like new after i apply the skins...is it normal practice to use the superglue? Did i do it wrong? Can i skip that step altogether?
I know this was drawn out, and thank you for your time and any help you may have.