Every now and then.....Ya get lucky!!!!! :eek:
To be totaly honest,I've been hunting turkeys with both a bow and a gun for over 30 years,and lost count of the number of birds I've killed.(I stopped counting after 20 something)Odds are your gonna be "stalking" turkeys for a LONG time before you kill one!!!!! Your best chance would be to learn to call,and what they call "Run & Gun" (bow?).
You locate a Tom and call to him. If he answers you,find a tree and sit. If he comes in shoot him. If he doesn't come in,and moves away from you he probly has a hen with him. Not a problem,you just get up and head out making a large loop that puts you in front of him,then find a tree and sit,then call. If he comes in shoot him. If you call to him and he answers but does not come in,he is probly on a bench,in a woodroad,or clearing,strutting and gobbling waiting for you(the hen)to come to him. If you try to "stalk" in to him,he WILL see you. This is fact!!!!! Not "if" not "maybe".....He WILL SEE YOU. He is LOOKING for you.(the hen) So,now here is what you do.....move 90 degrees to one side,find a tree and sit.Then yelp 3-4 times,no more,make him gobble.If he's coming in great if not, move back about 20-30 yards. Sit and yelp 3-4 times again.If he comes in great,If not,move again,sit and yelp. What you want to do is make a circle around him,while zig-zaging closer and farther away each time you sit. Sooner or later, he WILL get flustered,and he WILL come looking for you.
When he comes in,shoot him..... Good Luck!!!!!