Ever discover something that was just so neat, so effective, that it made you smile and almost laugh out loud to do it or just know that it existed? Well, I did this morning.
My old drum sander used a sandpaper with a peel off glue back. The one hesitation I had with getting my new one was that someone had said they didn't like the complicated system of replacing the paper... something called "hook and loop". Well, I'd never even seen or heard of a drum sander before, and i was picturing specific length sandpaper with some kind of metal band with loops at the end that hooked onto the sanding drum somehow. (Those of you who are familiar with the system have permission to laugh at me at this point, but, heck, i didn't know! I'd never run into it.)
The sander came with 100 grit paper, which, it turns out, is too fine for lam grinding. 40 is recommended, but Grizzly doesn't handle below 60. I went ahead and ordered a roll of 60 and planned on spending an afternoon disassembling the drum and installing this complicated sandpaper. Of course, it turns out all they were referring to with "hook and loop" was the basic system of good old Vecro! I'd heard the term "hook and loop" applied to velcro, but just didn't transfer it to the idea of sandpaper.
The roll of sandpaper comes with a fuzzy back... very fine fuzz, not the thick stuff like on regular velcro. When I went to the drum to take off the old paper, all you do is unwrap a piece of tape at each end. The sandpaper is rolled on diagonally, so there is a pointed end at each end of the drum. You just pick an end up and roll it off the drum. The drum has very fine velcro "hook" material glued on it. The "hooks and loops" are finer than on regular velcro, but the principle and function are the same. Cut the new piece of sandpaper to the same length and tapers as the old one, start it on the drum and roll it up. The fuzzy backed sandpaper sticks to the loops. Then put a piece of tape on each side of the drum and you're in business. Even doing it for the first time, it only took me about 20 minutes. I can readily see that if I went looking, I would undoubtedly find the same system in use in a variety of sanding applications. It's just pretty darn neat!
When I saw the system in operation I truly wanted to break out laughing... it was just so perfect, so easy! Ann and Deene came in to watch (Ann deals with velcro a lot... buys it on 100 yard rolls) and both had much the same reaction. Some ideas are just so perfect that to see them in action is super pleasing.
Anyway, I then tested out the installation by truing up a zebrawood block for a riser. It did a great job... love the Grizzly drum sander. Gonna saw out a bunch of risers all at once and have them ready to go, then do sets of lams... kind of get all the drum sanding out of the way at once for awhile. I think this will turn out to be a good way to simplify the use of the roll around tools.... get one out, use it for awhile to get ahead with that part of the operation, then move on to the next necessary machine. A practical way to function in my small space.
It was very much a "feel good" moment and I thought I'd share... for the amusement of those who knew about this sandpaper, or for the possible benefit of those who don't.