Looking for opinions on this bow from those who have actually used/owed one.My questions are is this bow really made in the USA?,can it be shot off the shelf if a rest is set up there,and is the quality good? You see I am just getting back into this after many years of being away from archery and am finding it very difficult to get a decent bow for a reasonable price.I really want a new bow,not used,so I dont have to worry about the history of a used bow,one less thing to think about while trying to get good arrow flight and relearning to shoot.I have settled on the recurve
as the grips are much more comfortable to me.I know there are alot of options but really more than $300 is out of the question and to me takes alot of the fun out of this,it just seems all this has gotten a whole lot more expensive and technical than when I was in it.Im border line on the verg of just packing it in.