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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Lost desire-found again, now even more stumbling blocks along the way.  (Read 1083 times)

Offline P.J. Petiniot

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well, this past fall i posted a thread about me losing my desire to bowhunt. Many of you responded with thoughtful reasoning on why many of us seem to suffer from this temporary mind set from time to time. I received a fair amount of personal of public and private well wishing and more than my fair share of kind words.

I sat down this past winter wondering what I felt were the root causes of my lack of desire and of those few things that were the cause, what did I actually have control of and how could I change them for a more positive outcome when it came to my love of the outdoors and bowhunting.

Probably the biggest culprit when it came to me not enjoying archery and bowhunting was the fact that I have been battling a chronic shoulder problem in my right shoulder for years, many years. it has been getting steadily more unpleasant for me to shoot a bow, something I have loved to do for more than 30 years.

I decided that I was going to get my should fixed this winter and get back to where I had my life back and could to the things I enjoy without pain.

Long story short, I had a couple of bone spurs in my shoulder that were wreaking havoc on my rotator cuff and found a very qualified surgeon that was confident that he could fix me up and if I did my part as far as the physical therapy went, I would be back to 100% in short order, in plenty of time for the fall bowhunting season.

On March 4th I had surgery and all went well and my surgeon was 100% sure that I would have a complete recovery.

My therapy was going great, I was ahead of schedule and I was mentally preparing myself for the upcoming archery and bowhunting season.

Then "Whammo" Friday I am diagnosed with a post operative blood clot in my right arm, a huge blood clot. Lots of test, lots of new meds and blood thinners and a huge set back in my re-hab program.

I hate to sound like a big whiner, but this situation is really taking it out of me mentally. My wife is having to do most everything around the house and I am not one that really does well allowing others to pull my weight. I hate being labeled a dead beat.

I was really getting fired up about shooting this summer, my 4 year old son asks me almost daily about when can we shoot our bows (he found my stash of kids bows and he said "you have bows my size") The girls have always shot, but they have never shown the enthusiasm that their little brother is showing.  The weather is breaking and I am ready to take the little guy out to have some fun. Being on these crazy blood thinners and having a clot that basically runs from the middle of my bicept down to my wrist is kind of putting the brakes on our plans for a while.

Sorry for the rant, I just needed to vent to my tradbow brothers and sisters for a minute.

Thank you for the time, P.J.
If your bow has a trigger, it’s not a bow. If your bow has a trigger and a stock, it’s an abomination.


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P.J. Things like this happen and I feel your pain. Keep in mind that everything will be ok. Now that your youngen wants to shoot a bow is a Good thing. This will also help you get over the hump. Don't push it, do little shooting when the DR tells you "It is OK to Shoot, Your bow" Going to fast will hurt and may push you away from the bow again.

Blood thinners are bad, Trust me I'll be on them things for Life. I have a mech valve in my Heart so blood thinners are my friends.. I know they are a big pain trying to stay in the range the Dr. set for me... I hope this helps you feel a little better.

Offline sdpeb1

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P.J. I can relate and there is nothing anyone can say or do to make you feel better. I was a avid runner,golfer etc, untill a back injury prevented me from doing much for 5yrs. You will just have to find another hobby for awhile until things heal up, and try as best you can to keep it in prospective. It's just going to be tough, but your fellow archers are hoping you recover quickly- Steve

Offline Bear Heart

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Sounds like you need to try shooting the way Ron LaClair did when he broke his arm.
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Offline George D. Stout

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You still have your arm, and at some point you will be shooting again.  You can coach those kids and teach them the fine points of the sport while you're waiting.  You could be in Philadelphia you know 8^).

Offline Plumber

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p.j you will be fine I just had my neck fused my wife is doing everything an I feel the same way you do. however thats what I married her for you would do the same for her . good times an bad thats life. I missed a whole hunting season cause she got back surgie. I had to take care of a 2mo old baby by my self she was out of comission you want to talk about hard. now is the perfect time to teach your 4yr old how to shoot take the time with him now so when you get better he will have a clue as to what going on an it will be easier for you to shoot with each other good luck get well soon

Offline b.glass

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It sure seems like the bad just keeps coming at a person sometimes. I don't think I can say anything to make it easier. Just knowing there are folks out there who care might help a little. And going through the sour makes the sweet even sweeter.
B.Glass, aka Mom, aka Longbowwoman
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Mark 5:36 "Don't be afraid, just believe".

Offline maineac

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It must be frustrating, and my advise is only that, but I would focus on your son and getting him started.  If you are  not shooting you will be able to help him with the basics, and enjoy his enthusiasm.  Maybe it will help refire yours as the clot issue is resolved.
The season gave him perfect mornings, hunter's moons and fields of freedom found only by walking them with a predator's stride.
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Online Hawkeye

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P.J., my friend.

I'm glad to hear you've had the surgery that will put you back on the track to the hobby that's SO much more than that, but sorry you've experienced this "bend in the road."

I hope the meds will work through the clot problem safely and quickly, but I'm thankful that you caught it.  Something like that can cost you your life, and I'm glad you are OK.  Please take care, get healed up, finish the rehab, and get back to the bow for your sake... and your son's!

I am praying for you.

Daryl Harding
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."  Jim Elliot

Traditional bowhunting is often a game of seconds... and inches!

Offline beachbowhunter

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Dude, you have so much to be happy about that a few months of healing is no big deal. You have a couple of great kids and one of them is interested in archery. Use this time to make some arrows or other stuff, get the two of you pumped up and before you know it, it will be summer, your cabin fever will be gone and the arrows will be flying.
Ishi was a Californian                   :cool:

Offline NorthernCaliforniaHunter

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Re: Lost desire-found again, now even more stumbling blocks along the way.
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2009, 11:39:00 AM »
What you focus on multiplies. It's the law of attraction, and it can't be manipulated. Focus on what is working, focus on what you CAN do. Negative thoughts give rise to negative perspectives which lead to negative experiences. The spiral is downhill from there. Depression, anger, resentment.
I am no saint, and I'm still learning how to recognise when I'm being an arse so this is as much for you as it is for me:
Get out of your own way.

With friendship and brotherly love,
"...there are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness, that can reveal its mystery, it's melancholy, and its charm." Theodore Roosevelt

Find me at ShareTheBounty

Offline reddogge

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Re: Lost desire-found again, now even more stumbling blocks along the way.
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2009, 02:00:00 PM »
Your problems are a little more serious than my calcified tendonitis in my bow arm.  I am on a 30 day drug and rehab program and no shooting.  I am going to teach 3 grandsons to shoot this weekend though with the Little Bear I bought and the arrows I made for it.  I can shoot a 20# bow with no pain and I tested it out today.

I'd say teach your son, it will take your mind off of your arm problems.
Traditional Bowhunters of Maryland
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Offline Mitch-In-NJ

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Re: Lost desire-found again, now even more stumbling blocks along the way.
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2009, 02:17:00 PM »
Be patient.  Easier said than done, I know, but that's what you need to do.  You lived with the pain a long time before the surgery and now you are in the home-stretch.

Accept the fact that you can't change the situation and that in short order things will be back to normal... better than normal... and your desire to shoot / hunt will be realized and pain free.

Albeit a crude example, this is similar to what my friend Kevin refers to as D.U.S..  Distance Urgency Syndrome.

Ever take a long drive and about halfway to your destination you have to go to the bathroom?  If you've still got an hour or two to drive you accept it and the urge is diminished.  Get to within a mile of your destination and all of a sudden you "really have to go".  Pull up at your destination and you're about to wet yourself.  Get inside and it's a race to the bathroom.

That's kind of where you are now.  You're in the last mile but there's been a small detour.

Be patient and try not to pee your pants.  :)
"The encouragement of a proper hunting spirit, a proper love of sport, instead of being incompatible with a love of nature and wild things, offers the best guaranty for their preservation."

-- Theodore Roosevelt

Offline Otto

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Re: Lost desire-found again, now even more stumbling blocks along the way.
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2009, 03:54:00 PM »

Besides dude....I've seen your wife....You're a lucky man.

See ya at Cloverdale!!!!

Offline P.J. Petiniot

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Re: Lost desire-found again, now even more stumbling blocks along the way.
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2009, 01:00:00 PM »
Hey Steve Otto,

You have never seen my wife during a full fledged conniption when the flesh rips away from her skull and fire flies out of her eye sockets. I swear these extreme happenings are never brought on by my poor behavior or failings as a husband, lol.

Actually I did very well in the wife department and she is doing far more than her share during my layoff. That's the tough part for me, I can't stand being waited on hand and foot and relaying on other people to get me to where I need to be.

I really am going crazy sitting around my house. I have a chance to participate in a Boyscout function that our state bowhunting organization is helping with this weekend. I am going to try and get there and take my cameras and a couple of note books to document what is going on. I can't do much right now, but i can still take good pictures and i can still tell a story (this story will actually be true,lol)

Hope full i can make this come together so i can get out, get some fresh air and feel at least somewhat useful.

Thanks for all of the well wishing and kind words of advice,  P.J.
If your bow has a trigger, it’s not a bow. If your bow has a trigger and a stock, it’s an abomination.

Offline wollybear

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Re: Lost desire-found again, now even more stumbling blocks along the way.
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2009, 08:33:00 PM »
it was never lost just missed placed,love for trad,its GREAT!!  trad makes it so munch better,with all of lifes ups and downs.but the LOVE of my time with my bows is what makes my pain goaway.i do not shoot verry good but i never did.but i shoot

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