My buddy showed me a dynamic spine calculator on here through yahoo, but I can't access it now.
I have a few questions:
1.My buddy and I have been spending a lot of time trying to find the "perfect" arrow. I shoot a 52" Kodiak Mag. 55# at 28". I have been shooting GoldTip 5575 with 225 up front and bare shaft they flew perfect at 10 and 20 yards. I was so excited! Long story short found the original arrow in the grass that was given with the bow (7595 31" I think 150#)they fly very well too. I haven't bare shaft it yet. Should I stay with the 5575 (I know they work with 465 total weight) or experiment with the 7595 (395 tw)?
2.I bought a Ben Pearson Bronco for my girl friend. It is 48" 30# at 24". I've looked at charts, but they are so broad. I don't have an arrow that is close enough to shoot (atleast I dont think). I don't want to spend the money on a test kit when I know half of them are too large for her bow.
3.Hunting turkeys off the a blind needed? I know it can be done, but is spot and stalk an easy task? What is an inexpensive blind? Do you feel comfortable shooting through the mesh windows?