I finished these arrows today. Cut the river cane near my parents place in Oklahoma over a year ago.
Shot the goose this winter and saved the feathers for the fletching.
4 are true flu flu types, as I didn't trim the feathers, and they make quite a bit of sound as the "fly" through the air.
The other two aren't trimmed either but are from shorter width feathers.
I made some small game blunts from 1/4" all thread and I forget what the other piece is called. It is a barbed washer that is treaded and super glued into place. I cut the all thread at 3" so it will set deep into the shaft, so the heads weigh 250 gr. Can we say extreme efoc?! The shaft with a broadhead on it had a hole a little too large for the all thread, besides I wanted to mount a broadhead on one. I had a broken carbon shaft from last year's kill, and it fit perfectly.
The 5 small game arrows are heavy, weighing in at between 700-800 gr. That ought to punch a hole in a bunny!
Because the broadhead is lighter, the total weight of that arrow is 630 gr. still plenty heavy.
I took them out and shot them a little and they fly really well. That barbed washer really grabs the grass and doesn't go anywhere, so no lost arrows under the grass.