Boxes. Pizza boxes layered inside regular boxes, old air filters, old carpet or door mats, plastic bags. Old used up targets as a starter. Masonite or sheet rock on the top and bottom. Good stuff. I duct tape a target made from cardboard to the outside. after a while, I replace it. PIzza pans are good too. Run a wire thru the middle and you can hang it. I stake smaller boxes with old arrows into the ground and make my own 3d range. Just walk around the yard and shoot. I thy to put the targets where there's a berm behind them. Shoot uphill and off the deck like a tree stand. Old targets are great starters for new targets. Don't throw out the boxes. Styro foam. Pellets, plastic wrap. There is so much game out there to shoot at
Big jugs of laundry soap, gallon milk jugs with some water in teh bottom for weight are like a turkey shoot.