Again, thanks all. Ijust am going to miss hearing the Pfftt-whop of the arrows used to shooting about 5 days a week, but what will be will be. I have started coaching the 4-H archery team so that will help pass the time, and the good news to be grateful for is that I had saved my paid sick time at work for the last 9 years, so I get paid while I am off and keep my job, again, we are truly blessed. Glen, dont know which one of you guys I could get on a bike and hug up for the ride to KY Classic, but that woudl be a site, 2 chunky fellers on a bike, one with a big pillow strapped to his arm, strapped to his bode! Wheeeww, wouldnt that cause a lot stares, laughs, and questions!!LOL!! Thanks, all , Sam.