You guys should have a great season. We had a whole bunch of snow, I still have a big pile in the front yard, even after a couple of warm weeks. The woods still have white stuff. Just starting to green-up. Lots of elk are moving up last few week, also lots of road-kills on I-17(areas 6A/North-West = 6B)last few weeks. March is our big snow/water month but Mother Nature fogot. Still lakes and tanks are full. We have too many roads here so getting away from the ATVs and such in some areas is tough. Seen the first elk in 7E & 7W yesterday driving to the Grand Canyon to work, about 7800'-8000' where I seen them, up high a little early. We had a weeks of high temps, but was 10 degrees at the canyon. CayonHunter has a Unit 8 tag, and a very good Montana bowyer(you guess who) had a 27 Bull. I have the "Pink Tag Blues".