as terry has just stated, this was never ever "about making money".
terry footed the entire cost of this site up until the point when registrations were flooding in, post counts went sky high, and we were so overloaded we not only shut down trad gang but every other website on the domain we shared. we desperately needed our own server with unlimited file space and bandwidth.
it was either shut down trad gang or figure a way to have the site pay for itself while still keeping it a free and public forum. we elected to seek help from both trad bowhunting vendors and trad gang members, and that's the sole reason we're still alive 'n' kickin'.
as of the beginning of last year we're now on our second whiz bang server - a much needed improvement since our old 2007 server couldn't handle the bandwidth required to run our saint jude's auction. our 2008 saint jude's auction was a success due mainly to our members, but also because our new dual server environment easily handled the incredible auction bandwidth.
the new trad gang layout represents moving from an 800 width screen to a 1024 wide screen, as most computers these dayze are set for 1024 or wider resolution. this affords us new forum real estate for more banner ads (the demand for banners was outstripping our supply!) and a bit more room for member banners.
the top header portions of most screens has more "stuff" to see, and this is due to the increased screen width, while the header height remains just about the same!
thanx to all of you good folks for making trad gang what it is today - the largest single 101% trad bowhunting/archery forum on the web.