Okay gentlemen, I have some questions that I hope you can answer for me. Here are the info on my bow, it is a 72 inch hickory longbow with a built-out grip and a shelf that was cut slightly past center but now is built out some. It is 52 lbs @ 29 inches, which is also my draw length. I have a Flemish string of Darcon and shoot wood arrows with 3 - 5 inch feathers which I generally cut about 29 1/2 inches long. I shoot with 3 fingers under.
First, where should the arrow rest be located on a longbow with a shelf? Should it be at the front, middle or back of the riser/grip/shelf?
Second, what is a recemmended total arrow weight for hunting WI whitetail deer?
Third, if I shorten my arrow length by a inch and add a wood screw adapter(60 grains), how will it affect the spine of my arrow?
Forth, how much of a change of tip weight does it take to affect spine.
I know that I have asked a lot of questions, now and in the past, but I have very limited, tight finances and can't just buy more shafts/points/broadheads and try them. I need to determine as close as I can to what I need before making purchases.