Good to have you and your son in the traditional archery community. If it makes you feel any better, nobody shoots a longbow that's the latest and greatest, because recurves aren't the latest and greatest technological advancement.
They're only slightly younger than longbows.
Point is, they're fun to shoot! Anything you shoot with it isn't going to care. More importantly, neither is your son, because he got a new bow and he gets to shoot with his old man (and even cooler, occasionally he get's to shoot by himself).
So pat yourself on the back and go put some arrows in a target. You did a good thing. BPS maybe didn't do such a good thing to you, but if you don't tell your arrows they'll never know. Just stop shopping there and visit the tradgang sponsors. I have bought a few new (to me) bows here on the classifieds and a few items from the sponsors and have always been treated very fairly.
Have fun!