Well, I'm tuning some CE 150's cut to 29.5" to a longbow not cut to center (holm made osprey) that one of our fellow members loaned me, since i had to sell mine. I have bare shafted, adjusted the brace height and knocking point. I also want to say that i have never had an issue tuning.
Osprey longbow, 49@28...(actual draw is 29")great bow.
So here is the problem, when i'm bare shafting them they are just the way i like them, just a hair weak( i mean a hair, barely) per ashby's report. With 125grns on the tip. But what i cant seem to fix is the propoising, with or without feathers, it doesnt matter. Canting, straight up....I mean i'm hitting what i want, i even shafted an arrow today and have been racking them just fine. But when i take this to the 3D's i know i'm going to catch a tree limb or something down the line. Any advice? I really need to keep these CE 150's as i'm only barrowing this bow, so if there is a way to do this, please let me know. Thanks again Ya'll, looking forward to your answers.