Hey Killy...where did you find that ugly Bear bow...probably has a scratch by now, better send it to me I'll treat it nice! If you do send it please don't read below the next line.
Wow what a bow! Killy stop here!
I agree with the rest...I shot compounds for 23 years...they are short even at 37". My first traditional bow was a 62" Martin Savannah, guess what...IT'S LONG! I couldn’t move without hitting it on something, ceiling, floor, work bench, posts in the basement, basement wall, kitchen table, cat (granted the cat lost), trees, treestands, tree steps, rocks, targets, truck, friends…I could go on.
All character marks I keep telling myself. I got my first custom recurve, I took it out of the box with excitement and proceeded to put the tip into the ceiling admiring the bottom limb.