We live in a rural area of Northern Kentucky, and we like to feed the birds in the summer. Unfortunately we get our fair share of Ground Squirrels that get around the "Squirrel-Proof" bird feeder as they are as light or lighter than the birds and don't close the trap on the feed when they stand on it...
Anyway, they deplete the food rapidly, and even worse dig their burrows in the yard. My wife went on a mission a couple months ago to rid the yard of these dangerous beasts. Before we started I asked if I could just shoot them to reduce their population? She laughed at me... Well OK, we'll do it your way sweetie...
So, many $'s later and numberous different methods of trying to rid our yard of them (with poor results btw...) she said why don't you try to shoot some of them to give us a leg up, at least you'll scare them a bit...
So, yesterday I walk up to the bow rack and try to choose a weapon that will bring down one of these beasts. Looked them all over and chose my Shawnee, 64# @ 29". I know it's a bit light for such a beast but I like living on the edge.
I slowly crept into their habitat, and the arrows started flying. 5 shots in all and two dead Chipmunks. Plus we didn't see anymore out and about yesterday... Today I saw one doing his thing (transporting food underground...) so I grab my trusty Shawnee and wade into the battle again... missed him charging me at 12 yards but turned him and he ran out to 18 yards or so and stopped to ready himself for another charge. Took him in the head with a well placed Gold Tip!
So, if you're up to the challenge, give the these beasts a try but be careful this isn't for the timid!