As with all good there is some , well not so good, His books really suited me as I was raised by my family to respect and appreciate and even more so when it came to the natural world, at the age of 11 my Great Grandfather, after the loss of his wife, literally scooped me up and set upon even further teachings of the ways of old, snare and deadfall building, fire with drill and bow and tracking to the inth degree, it seemed as soon I mastered these, he was complete, he passed when I was 13, however he always smiles down when I make a good track or clean kill.
Tom Brown also seems to have the same beliefs, so "full of it" or "dubious", who knows, but in a different era where gardens and wild game were the norm I doubt if any could surpass... I find that in these type of people with their knowledge and respect and even true attachment to the strings of the natural world, a feeling of loss due to over population and increasing distance of the fellow man from what is reality sometimes makes a man a little grumpy to say the least...