It is a great time at our house. I have been into Trad Archery for the last ten years but my sons Brad and Kevin have always stuck with compounds. They were shooting and in the woods so I was a happy camper but there was always a little something missing.
I was into selfbows for a long time, and they always thought I was just a little odd for "handicapping" myself to that degree. They were typical kids, the newest, fastest and most expensive was always the way to go.
A while back I started messing around making laminate bows. Kevin started the ball rolling by deciding my bows were kinda cool and he started shooting one. Brad could not let his younger brother go one up on him so he picked up a stick too.
Anyway, that is Kevin on right and Brad on the left flinging some sticks. I now have some competition, even more companionship than before and my days (and nights) are spent fixing thier torn up arrows.
I'm one happy dad!

Here are some pictures of the bows.
The one on the left is 62" 47#@28" The riser is Zebra/African Mahogany with Bolivian Rosewood veneers.
The one on the right is 62" 46#@28" The riser is a 3 wood combo on Padauk/Anegre/Jatoba with Beliwood veneers.

A close-up of the risers