Hi, my first post on this forum.
I am a long time archer with about 18 years experience shooting mostly compounds. In January I began shooting trad equipment seriously, starting with a martin Dreamcatcher, but swiftly moving on up to a Black Widow psaII 50# @ 28" I am drawing 28 1/2" (my compounds have never seen so little use,

I shoot cedar arrows out of it for competition (trad rules here in Norway, no carbons or ally) but I am travelling to Africa in August for 14 days bowhunting with both my widow and the compound. I will be hunting with woods but also decided to build a set of aluminium arrows. I have got them to be the same weight as the woods by adding tuning weights behind the insert and they are hitting the same spot as the woods... so far so good....
However, my shooting buddy who will be joining me in Africa has noticed what can be best described as a "singing" sound from the 2216 xx75s when standing downrange, the woods are noticeably quieter with no such "singing" it almost sounds like a kind of tuning fork resonance... we have shot the same arrows out of his bow and the same sound, so it is not the bow...
Has anyone here had this experience? suggestions for solving it? I have spent alot of time tuning and am getting great groups, having robin hoods at 20 and 25 yards, so I dont really want to change to carbons... and I love the xx75s for there resilience for stumpshooting and the like.... and I can practice with them without knackering up my matched sets of wood arrows that I have spent so long building, and then swap to woods just before a competition with no adjusting my gap....
regards, Nathan