I ask Mike and Jason to make me a 36#@28" 62" Orion.....and they did
http://sites.google.com/site/stringwalkerbowhunter/Home/orion36 I wanted a worker like bow with not a lot of fancy wood (that is the way I like my bows). I wanted the strongest heaviest piece of wood they had for the riser.
It has taken me 2 yrs to admit that my shoulder will never get better if I keep on shoot those 50 to 60 bows as many time as I like to. I am going to be hunting small game, light to medium pigs, and Texas whitetail with it. it shoot speed right at the same speed my 36# hot FITA limbs shot and I have already taken medium pigs with them
I have shot 9 diiferent shafts thru the bow and I ccoulod tell ya for a fact which one sticks in a stacked foam sheet target the deepest.....but I ain't going too. I'll just let ya have the plesure of finding that out when you get old and over the hill
I am not worried about the penetration it is gonna be jujst fine.
I might say one thing about me and the rig. in the last 30 yrs there has never been a hunting bow that I shot higher scores with. ya can blame it on the arrows speed, the light draw weight,the wieght of the riser, or I have finally come of age
I had always dreaded giving up my bow draw weight and getting old
DANG man it could be the best thing that every happended to me. shooting more shots and enjoying it more
ps Mike and Jason are in Compton and they have the my 36# bow there. stop by 'em a shoot littel red. ya might be in for a pleasent surprise also